mercoledì 15 giugno 2016

Brunello pairing from Sweden

A special pairing suggested from Col d'Orcia friends in Sweden.

Kryddblandningen doftar jul och ger köttet en god kryddig smak som passar bra till vilt.

Kryddig rådjursstek inbakad i rågdeg

Kryddig rådjursstek inbakad i rågdeg

1. Stek: Bena ur höftbenet på steken, skrapa det andra rent. Bryn steken runt om i smör. Blanda samman kryddorna och gnid in steken med dem.
2. Sätt ugnen på 225°.
3. Deg: Blanda vetemjöl, rågmjöl och rågsikt med vatten till en hård deg. Kavla ut degen till en 3–4 mm tjock platta som är 40 cm i diameter. Slå in steken och tryck till degkanterna så att ingen vätska rinner ut. Spara ev lite deg, forma till små blad och dekorera med dem. Pensla degen med ägg. Sätt i en köttermometer i den tjockaste delen.
4. Lägg steken på en plåt med bakplåtspapper. Låt den stå ca 15 min mitt i ugnen eller tills den fått fin färg. Öppna ugnsluckan och sänk värmen till 150°. Stek köttet tills innertemperaturen är 56°, ca 1 timme. Ta ut steken och låt vila, temperaturen stiger ytterligare några grader.
5. Servering: Ta bort degskalet och skär bort benet från köttet. Skär det i skivor och servera med honungsbrynta jordärtskockor.

Recept från Allt om Mat

giovedì 9 giugno 2016

Col d’Orcia’s “show and tell”

In the land of Brunello, Col d’Orcia shows visitors biodiverse organic farming

Col d’Orcia, the “organic island in Montalcino”, has recently inaugurated a new attraction for visitors to the wine cellar. A newly created path allows visitors to see the farming of different organic crops. Close to the wine cellar, on the edges of the beautiful gardens where truffles can be found, a path leads to different fields where various crops are farmed for didactic, conservation and research purposes. Visitors are able to learn about the organic growing of varieties such as:
Grass Pea (cicerchia)  – Lathyrus sativus  - ancient variety of legume in origin from Asia with high protein content. Used since ancient times and dubbed “insurance crop” because it yields fruit even when most other crops fail.

Black and White Chickpeas (Cece nero e bianco) - Cicer aretinum. Legume rich in iron, deeply rooted in the Egyptians and Greeks ancient civilizations.

Toscanello Bean (Fagiolo Toscanello) - Phaseolus vulgaris. It is a very fine quality bean, rich in vitamins A, B and C. It was brought to Europe and to Italy by Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors from the New World in the XVI century.
Toscanello Bean - Fagiolo Toscanello
Spelt (Farro) - Triticum, the oldest farmed variety of wheat. Its origin can be traced back over 5,000 years in the Middle East where Iran is located today. Romans legionaries used this wheat to make biscuits they could carry in their journeys. It was also used as offering to the gods for a good harvest and fertility.  In fact, it was sacred to the ancient civilizations of Italy.
Field of Spelt - Farro
Kentucky Tobacco – Nicotiana -  Organically grown for the production of cigars, it’s the only variety used for the Tuscan cigar. It’s a niche crop, which accounts the 1% of the global production and it is limited to few Italian areas including Siena and Arezzo. This tobacco undergoes a unique production process, that has become a cultural heritage.
Wheat “Senatore Cappelli” – Triticum. Considered a superior wheat variety in the 1930’s and 40’s. It is a durum wheat obtained by genealogical selection in 1915, by the Italian geneticist Nazareno Strampelli. Thanks to its hardiness and capacity to grow in height it is capable of defending itself from weeds. It is ideal for organic farming. Moreover it contains high percentage of lipids, amino acid, vitamins and minerals as well as characteristics of high digestibility.
The “show and tell” path includes fruit trees, vegetables and a unique experimental vineyard of old grape varieties.
View of Col d'Orcia's garden
The visit to the organic garden is open to the public and wine lovers who want to know more about the extraordinary biodiversity of the Montalcino area. The varieties might be observed during their respective farming cycles. For further info contact:


domenica 5 giugno 2016

Nastagio, the new single vineyard Brunello by Col d'Orcia

Taking steps towards the zoning of Montalcino

Montalcino has a very diverse territory with climate that ranges from Mediterranean coastal conditions, on the Southern slopes, to Continental on the North side.

Cactus are a common weed on the Southern slopes of Montalcino

Elevation over sea level starts at 100 metres and climbs to over 600 metres. The fact is that there are many Montalcino's and as a consequence many Brunello interpretations. 

In writing the bylaws of Brunello, our forefathers contemplated the possibility of labelling single vineyard Brunello with the term "Vigna" to distinguish it from the wines obtained through blending different plots.
Col d'Orcia has just released, with vintage 2011, a new single vineyard Brunello named Nastagio, 

Nastagio (also known as Nastasio) is the name of the ancient farm house, already included in Grand Duke Leopold's maps, and of the area where the grapes are sourced.

A view of he Nastagio vineyard in early spring

Brunello Nastagio is the result of the long experience accumulated by Col d'Orcia in the development and management of the Sangiovese vineyard. Nastagio is also the result of the many Research chapters conducted over more than twenty years by Col d’Orcia with the University of Florence.

For more information visit:

sabato 4 giugno 2016

Truffles at Col d’Orcia

On June 1st truffles picking started in the land of Brunello di Montalcino

Scorzone Truffle

Truffles, especially the summer variety known as “scorzone” (Tuber Aestivum) and the “bianchetto” (Tuber Borchii) are commonly found in Montalcino. Just recently, Col d’Orcia, the largest local organic farm, has obtained from the Municipality the license to harvest the truffles that can be found under the trees around the wine cellar on the estate. 

On the 18 of May Col d'Orcia has received official authorisation to harvest truffle 

The harvest season has just started and will lasts until the middle of July. This is a further example of the exceptional biodiversity of the terroir of Montalcino, known for its Brunello.

The trees around the Col d’Orcia wine cellar where the truffles grow

venerdì 3 giugno 2016

Col d'Orcia presents Brunello di Montalcino Nastagio

Nastagio is an ancient farm house on the Col d'Orcia estate
Brunello Nastagio is the result of the long experience accumulated by Col d'Orcia in the development and management of the Sangiovese vineyard. Nastagio is also the result of the many Research chapters conducted over more than twenty years by Col d’Orcia with the University of Florence. 

Nastagio (also known as Nastasio) is the name of an ancient farm house of the “Fattoria di Sant’Angelo”, which was already included in the maps of Grand Duke Leopold.
The aging in Tonneaux (500 liters) oak barrels and then in the traditional large “botti” represent the meeting point between tradition and modernity preserving the essential aspect of longevity.
For more information